Getting Unstuck

by | Jan 26, 2024 | 0 comments

Through some of the conversations I’ve been having lately, I’ve realized a lot of  people are suffering from a sort of “stuckness.” They find themselves thinking that where they are is not where they are meant to be and that there may be something else out there that is better for them. They feel uninspired where they are, but at the same time, they’re unsure how to do anything about it. They feel kind of handcuffed to the security of staying where they are. Sound familiar?

I understand that it can feel scary to pursue outside possibilities.

So, what do you do when you’re in a place that is not feeding your soul but also has a sense of security where you currently are?

Personally, I think the answer to that, one that I told a friend in a recent conversation, is first to take a moment to think about what the experience has given you. Just because you’re in a place that currently feels unfulfilling doesn’t mean where you are hasn’t given you anything. A lot of times, you’re supposed to be there at this moment in order to get to the next thing where you’ll use what you’ve learned there.

Don’t get stuck thinking that just because you are ready for the next thing, where you are now, isn’t worthwhile. It’s valuable, but it was only meant to have lasted that long. When I had a clothing line in the early to mid-2000s, I decided to let it go when it was time to change my focus. I did go through a period of, If this ends, was it a failure? But after ruminating on it for some time, I realized it was only meant to live for that period of time. And those cycles are how almost everything in life works.

Where you are now is a stepping stone for the next thing. Soon, you’ll look back on this time and pull the lessons that this particular time has given you.

And don’t forget that whatever you’re doing now probably was fulfilling at one time. It was once something that lit you up, and you loved it. It was exciting at the time and a leap forward. You just hit a plateau to where you’re not inspired by it anymore.

Things happen in cycles that way. Everything evolves. Everything changes. You go through exciting leaps that help you grow then there are always periods of plateau. And it’s okay when something feels different after a while. That’s not the signal to immediately give something up so much as it is time to look at the greater journey you are on. 

I think it is when a process of internal discovery can begin, which allows you to open yourself up for new possibilities to find you.

Most of us are not doing something that we’re meant to be doing forever.

But if you have your head down, and you’re just going through the motions, I also don’t think the next opportunity will just come to you. If you want to find it, you have to take the initiative to put the possibility out there that you are ready to find the next level.

You can start by researching, reading, and having conversations. Don’t be afraid to share your dreams with people. And instead of having scarcity thinking, really believe there is something better out there waiting for you to find it. 

Today’s research and conversations can lead to that next thing, maybe even at an unexpected moment.

Just think about how you got where you are now. What you were doing before, or your previous conversations, likely led you here. And now, you have to make sure what you are currently doing will lead you to the next thing.

So, start having those conversations and putting your ideas out there. Never stop doing that, no matter where you find yourself. Never stop dreaming bigger. You never know where your ideas will lead you.

Give yourself that space to imagine what the next thing might be and remind yourself that nothing lasts forever.


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