Not Mainstream Stuff

by | May 12, 2024 | 2 comments

A couple months ago, I wrote about Jersey’s experience attending Nature’s Classroom with her school. That post inspired a mention of my best friend from high school, Nikki. Before education alternatives were widely talked about, Nikki saw the traditional education system as missing something and decided to really lean into the idea of children literally learning outside. In fact, she believed in it so much that she had the courage to create a company around her ideas. And, over the last decade, started a “Wilder Child” movement.

I’m so proud of Nikki and there’s so much I could say about her that I had noted back then that it all warranted its own post. This is that post.

Since the day we met, I credit Nikki as being someone who really infused my life with creativity – and opened my eyes to a lot of things. I was completely drawn to how creative she always was and how she saw the world. In high school, we did everything together. We met the last day of Freshman year and we were inseparable for the rest of high school. We double dated to every high school dance, we went to football games, and she was the only person in my life who got my seat moved in class because we “talked too much.”

She also comes from a family that was really conscious about everything – from where they sourced food and clothing to everything that they put in their bodies. They truly had another level of consciousness about health, the world around them and humanity. And I’m so grateful for someone coming into my life who exposed me to that way of thinking and opened my eyes to the things that I didn’t naturally see on my own.

Nikki now lives on a ranch in Michigan with her husband and family. There, they raise cattle for meat and grow their own food. They also hold outdoor classes, and classes that revolve around the moon.

When I was pregnant with Madden, I initially didn’t know anything about natural birthing. I just thought everybody got an epidural. Because that’s just what people did. Nikki understood my ignorance, didn’t fault me for it, and I feel like she looked at me during that time and, out of love, wanted to share what more she knew about birthing. I honestly wouldn’t have even thought of natural birth without her. She entirely educated me on the whole world of natural birth, the one of which I am now such an advocate.

I really credit Nikki with teaching me to think outside of the box that way. And with the help of her mom as my doula, I proudly brought Madden into this world in the most natural way possible. This applies to ON THE LANES stuff too! Sometimes you need a different way of looking at something. Sometimes you need to do what’s NOT mainstream. And, sometimes that’s hard.

Even today, I continue to learn from Nikki. In fact, I aspire to be more intentional about integrating more of her ideas into what I’m doing in my life. She always gives me something to think about.

Nikki writes some incredibly insightful and thought-provoking posts. As an example, in one of her posts, she commented about how society often fears giving children too much good news out of fear that it over protects them from the world’s more cruel realities. However, she writes “drawing a child’s attention to love and beauty and good news is wild mapping that goodness to their inner landscape and doesn’t stop our children from seeing the brokenness and difficulty of the world.”

These messages resonate so much with me, and how I believe in leading with kindness. And teaching our children to do the same.

On Facebook alone Nikki’s page has over 500,000 followers. The New York Times even wrote an article about her movement, and she got a book deal.

I’m so proud of her, for what she has created and for her leading this movement.

The Montessori school my kids go to has a Facebook group. And years ago, I already started seeing parents regularly reposting her stuff in that group. Even outside of Montessori, some of my Chicago friends have re-posted her ideas. Whenever I mention that I know her, people always comment on what a genius she is in her way of thinking – and how hilarious she is.

It’s true that as serious as she is with her business, she also always lives her life with so much humor and joy. One time, back in school, she drew a mustache on her face WITH A SHARPIE to get into her role from Caterbury Tales.

Her site itself is inspiring and beautiful, and includes details about her Kid’s Moon Club and a bunch of great resources for parents. You should definitely check out her brilliance here:

She’s become an Aunt to my children, and a voice of reason to me. She’s opened my eyes to something other than mainstream and for that I will always be so grateful.

Is there someone in your life on the lanes or beyond that has opened your eyes up to something you didn’t see before they came into your life?


  1. Karla Alsgood

    I get so excited when I get a notice you have a another Beyond the Lanes to read. Thank you for sharing it with me and the world. You have a talent in the writing department. Never stop.


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