Room to Shine

by | Mar 10, 2023 | 2 comments

This week, on International Women’s Day, I went to a great event and was in a room full of really high-vibe women. I love a chance to submerge myself with like-minded people. I always leave feeling so inspired. 

It happens every time I meet confident, successful people. Something inside me gets ignited, and it makes me want to do more. Have more impact. Seeing possibilities through others is very powerful. It shows us what is possible.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who and what has inspired and empowered me. Over the decades, there have been so many people who I have felt inspired by – directly around me and from a distance, such as through watching them on television (when I was just a kid dreaming in Dyer, Indiana).

When I look around at others who are successful, I never feel I’m competing against anyone else’s success. I prefer the mindset that we can all lift each other up. When you see that someone’s doing a really good job at something or working really hard and accomplishing something, it’s an opportunity to be inspired by them. And also to congratulate them.

When you are thriving, that doesn’t compete with my ability to be successful too. There is enough space in this universe for us all to “win.”. I can let you know that I see you. I see your impact. I see your confidence. And it’s actually inspiring me.

It’s kind of like we’re all on the same team.

When I’m in a room of high-vibe women, like I was a few days ago, that’s what happens. People go up to each other and acknowledge how inspired they are by each other’s successes.

I come from an abundance mindset.

Some people approach success as everyone trying to compete for a slice of the same pie. I don’t think success is a pie with limited slices. Actually, I think there’s a whole bakery full of unlimited pies! Someone with a scarcity mindset scrambling for that pie slice doesn’t realize that there’s more than enough pie to go around.

There’s space for everyone to be successful when you come from that place of abundance. And that’s what I love about being at events like the one yesterday. You are surrounded by people lifting each other up and paying positive energy forward.

Some people can’t be around the level of confidence in others, though. Instead of feeling inspired, they feel intimidated or threatened by it.

If you ever feel someone reacting that way to your confidence, just keep doing you unapologetically. You have every right to show up that way. You don’t have to show up any differently. If anyone is ever uncomfortable with your shine, that’s not your problem. It’s theirs.

I have always given myself permission to just be who I am and not to feel the need to prove anything. I also always tell young bowlers (and anyone young, really) to be strong enough to be themselves too.

Whatever that looks like for you, shine as brightly as you can.


If you are quirky, be quirky. If you are always happy, just be happy.

Whatever you are, never let anyone dim your shine. You deserve to be who you are, and you deserve any success you earn. If anyone ever criticizes or questions how you are showing up, please. Do me a favor. Do not change. Keep shining bright.

If I ever sense anyone is intimidated by me, I don’t let it dim my shine. This is who I am. This is how I show up. In fact, it motivates me even more when I keep doing what I am doing. 

I will be honest with you, though. Sometimes it feels hard. When I hear about what so-and-so said about something personal to me. Or how I can feel that not everyone is rooting for me (because I’m intuitive, and you may not know I know, but I do.) Sometimes it does test me. Sometimes I can feel it in my heart that I’m frustrated that we all just can’t root for each other out there. 

But then, you know what happens? I get a message from a mom with a photo of a project her daughter did for International Women’s Day. She had to pick someone who inspires her, and you know who she chose out of all the women in the world? Me. And then I am able to recenter and remember why I’m doing all of this and pouring my heart out there. It’s for little Jessica, who sees me. Who will be better because of me. It’s not for that person who said that negative thing about me or what I’m doing. That’s an issue they need to work out in themselves. 

I’ll keep having an impact by being who I am for myself and all the Jessicas. 

The Elite Youth Tour is sort of my biggest manifestation of paying it forward so far. I’m so proud of EYT becoming a platform for youth leaders to shine their own bright lights. Seeing their successes has meant so much to me. This is just one of the many ways I’ll continue to shine bright and help others do the same. 

I’m always going to give my best and brightest self.  I have so much more I want to do and so much more positive energy and impact I want to pay forward.

This week reminded me that any room filled with people who lift each other up is always the kind of room I want to be in. Those are the rooms that allow you to dare to be more and do more.


  1. Joe Hoenig

    Thank you for reminding us to keep on being ourselves–both on and off the lanes! Too often, we are told or reminded to “tone it down”, or to just “shut up and bowl.” I’m not saying that each of us needs to be as “out there” as Pete Weber, but embracing who you are as a person and bowler, as long as it isn’t rude or disruptive, why shouldn’t we roar “Who do you think you are? I am!”

    If that’s not a statement of embracing who we are, if not allowing others to dim our shine, what is?!

    • Diandra Asbaty

      Thanks for the comment, Joe! As long as you don’t insult or demean anyone, then you should always be true and authentic! 🙂


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