Dear 2024,

by | Jan 3, 2024 | 0 comments

As has become my annual tradition, here’s my letter to the new year.

Dear 2024,

I’ve been waiting to meet you. Hi! I’m Diandra, and I’m not one to hang on to things too long, so I was happy to let go of 2023.

When I think back to 2023, one humbling memory stands out. I was inducted into the United States Bowling Congress Hall of Fame. Everything else is a blur by design. I had a rough end of year, so I am SO GLAD YOU’RE FINALLY HERE! It is so nice to welcome you into my life.

So, what shall we dream up together? More opportunities for the Elite Youth Tour? More scholarships? More impact? More new bowlers? Yes, yes, yes, and yes! I have already made some emotional space available to be and do more for my community—more grants, which will lead to more impact. We are headed to Rochester, NY, in April and are SO EXCITED to show off our little corner of the youth bowling world in a brand-new region of the country.

Every year, I choose a word. This word is something I intentionally keep top of mind throughout the year. It literally becomes my intention for the year.

Last year, my top word was IMPACT, and I feel like I hit that one out of the park.

My word for 2024? FUN. Why FUN? Well, because I feel like fun was zapped from my life throughout the last year. Sometimes we get too busy spending time DOING and not enough time BEING. And so, in 2024, I have every intention to BE while having a lot more intentional FUN.

What type of FUN, you’re wondering? Well, more travel. With girlfriends, too! More trips exploring places with my family and meeting new people. More story seeking. More storytelling. More beaches and sunshine. More heart-thumping moments. The fun I’m talking about is what I will remember when I’m 82, when I am thinking back to my “younger days.” Those moments. With THOSE beautiful people. In THOSE amazing places. And so yeah. My word for 2024 is FUN.

This year, I will also place an extra emphasis on minimalism.

I feel better when there is less. Less clutter. Less noise. Less complaining. Less stress. Less thoughts. I will be intentional about what and who I let into my space. I will protect my peace and will be unapologetic about it.

I’ve already cleaned out cabinets that were so crazy I was always afraid to open them. I cleaned out my junk drawer, and as I threw out three handfuls of “stuff,” I wondered how it even once fit inside that drawer in the first place. Well, truthfully, it really didn’t. I could barely shut that drawer. When I cleaned out the Tupperware cabinet below the junk drawer, I found about 8 random things I didn’t even know I had because, somehow, they made their way to the underneath area. Maybe those things thought they could breathe more down below? But NOPE. Not until yesterday! Because I literally took out every single Tupperware piece, restaurant container from delivery – including every lid, and every “I have to have that sandwich box” thing. And guess what I did with those I could not find a lid/container pairing for? Guess what I said to those Tupperware friends I had like 8 of? “Byeeeeeeee.”

And I have zero regrets.

I organized my art room. And while Jersey saw what was happening, she joined in on the fun. “I don’t really want this anymore.” “GREAT! Put it in here. We can donate it,” I’d say. I still had the cutest tiny little table with tiny little chairs – for tiny little humans that I no longer have. So, I will pass it on to other beautiful, tiny little humans.

My countertops are looking less cluttered. I can open my junk drawer, and I am no longer afraid to find party plates (or other miscellaneous extra items) in that cabinet I kept avoiding opening. And, it’s only the first week of 2024!

I also have high hopes for my wellness. More moving my body. More healthy foods. More strengthening my muscles, and stretching everything out. This year, I will definitely have my right knee joint replaced, and I’m counting the days. Until then, I will take good care of my body because I know it will take good care of me.

And yes – I’m still going to bowl! I am going to be the strongest I can on the lanes. I am going to bowl from my soul and, each time, leave everything out there. I will bowl with grace, understanding my bowling life looks different these days but reminding myself that things AREN’T supposed to stay the same. Things evolve. And so should you. And so am I. It doesn’t mean I don’t still like winning. 🙂 (Also shout out to my AMAZING sponsors: Storm! H5G! Turbo!)

So, 2024, in no way is this some sort of concrete wish list for you. While we evolve together, things may take a turn. Maybe, things will happen I didn’t expect. Maybe what I visualize for us together this year will completely manifest itself.

I can’t wait to see what we do together.

Cheers to more quiet coffee shops, more fresh squeezed juice, more inspired encounters, more art making, more trip 4’s, and messengers, and JUST MORE FUN.

Happy New Year.

PS – My word for 2024 is FUN. What’s yours? And what does YOUR letter to 2024 say?

Be Wildly Optimistic,


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