Slow Down & Listen

by | Jan 21, 2021 | 0 comments

Have you been taking yourself for granted?

People often talk about taking others for granted, or even opportunities, but what about turning the mirror on yourself too.

I’ll say it again: Have you been taking yourself for granted?

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Woah, right?

I’ll explain… 

We think that we know who we are because we’re living in our bodies but when was the last time you sat down to think about getting to know that person in the mirror?

What moves me? What upsets me? What makes me the happiest?

All important questions. But we’re so focused on getting to know or caring for the people around us, and asking them instead of ourselves. So when was the last time you took a moment to have a conversation with yourself? Like really show some interest in what matters to that person.

I thought so… 

The answers you extract will be amazing, I assure you! You may even be surprised at what you pull out once you become vulnerable, open yourself up to who you actually really are.

I tell people to journal it out. When it is written in front of you on paper in black and white, you can look at it and say, “YES! That’s who I am.” You can walk around with greater confidence in who you are, and why you are who you are. Decisions will also become easier, especially the big ones in your life.

We walk around and we think we know who we are until we actually slow down and stop to go inward with nothing distracting us. In those moments, we become empowered by acknowledging ourselves.

The answers to the questions about who we are can change over time. So, we need to check in often. With time, we evolve. Who I was 5 years ago,10 years ago, years ago or even merely one year ago is totally different than who I am now. So, we need to keep staying in tune with that person, whoever it is. 

The most important thing is to be honest with ourselves, 100% of the time, because if we’re not, we’re not going to grow. I think that that’s hard and that’s why people avoid asking themselves the questions because it’s a little uncomfortable. But we need to be completely vulnerable. And then living intentionally with all of that, everything you do is just very pure.

I’ve experienced this first-hand inside GoalsLAB. I have a bunch of extraordinary people that all have the same thing in common. They want to make this the BEST YEAR EVER. So, we started with a lot of self-awareness exercises. Man, did that bring out some uncomfortable feelings. In our private GoalsLab Facebook group, we’ve been talking a lot in the first week about how uncomfortable it can be when a person first opens themselves up that way, going inward to really tap into themselves. Many GoalsLAB students have said it was hard at first to stop, go inward and then listen. It’s because we just don’t do that enough.

We live in such an external world. We don’t take the time to slow ourselves down so we can listen to what our own self is telling us. But wow, when you do learn how to do just that, it opens up such an amazing growth experience. I’m so excited to see how much they’re already learning about themselves. And how much they’re growing. I’m so proud of where everyone in this group is headed!

I really want to encourage you to get to know your heart, tap into your intuition more regularly, because I think when you slow down and go inward, your body and soul can tell you the answer. When I’m faced with anything, an important decision or a choice or anything really, I tap into how it makes me feel. That always gives me my answer. So I really want to encourage you to stop and listen and pay attention to how you feel. That’s going to tell you everything that you need to know.

When you slow down to feel, you can dig in and just pull so much out that will help you live your life with ease and grace, better alignment to who you really are.

I basically tap into who I am in my heart daily. I pay attention to how everything makes me feel as a person, based on who I am in my core. That’s easy for me because I’ve always just been really open to checking in with my heart that way and it’s become just natural to allow myself to feel first, rather than overthink.

But I recognize that isn’t easy or a natural instinct for everyone. Many, many people overthink things because they’re not listening to their heart. They’re too much in their head. Instead of tuning into the heart and soul, it can be easier to get stuck in their head, overthinking instead of actually feeling.  

Don’t worry, I get it. I understand. I know a lot of people like that. My husband’s like that! He just overthinks so many things. I’m the opposite. I’ve always kept things simple and just tuned into myself. For me that’s really simple and easy to do. But I understand that everyone is wired differently.

In moments when I’m overthinking things, though rare, I snap out of it quickly because I don’t feel myself at all. And I go back to my heart.

I feel like when people are trying to succeed, in whatever area, if they can tap in and pay attention to how things make them feel, success comes more easily and naturally. But if we’re constantly doubting, second-guessing, overthinking, it’s another story…

But if I do that, this might happen. What if I do that? What if I choose the wrong decision? Sound familiar?

The truth is that chatter is all blocking you from really living as you. From you being who you want to be deep down. It’s all stunting your progress.  

So, today I want you to take a few moments to write down the answers to these questions. What moves you? What makes you happiest? 

And if you’d like to share, I’d love to hear your answers to learn more about who YOU ARE.


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