There’s something about music that lifts my mood and raises my vibration, every time. If I ever feel even just a little bit out of it, I just put on certain music, and I just start singing in the car as I drive. I love having these impromptu car concerts with my kids. For whatever reason, it just really does something amazing energetically. It’s the quickest way to shift my mood. I feel so great afterwards.
It’s important to live your life with your energy in mind. Energy comes at you all of the time, from every direction. However, when you recognize that, you also empower yourself to stay in control of your energy and change it at the flip of a switch.
You have the power to change your energy frequency and even turn it up, and it really can be as easy as adjusting the dial on your car radio.
For most people, thinking about energy isn’t obvious. You don’t see it. So it’s easy to think that it’s not there. But everything in the world is made up of energy and frequency. And when you feel you are functioning on a lower frequency or when something has brought you down, you can consciously find ways to raise your vibration again. You can turn up the music, move your body or even get outside for fresh air. I find that even interacting with my dog, Carmen, instantly brings my energy up again. Yes, even animals have energy. And Carmen’s is amazing!
Most people don’t think about their energy enough.
I feel energy all the time. Last night I went to see an amazing woman speak, world renowned author Marianne Williamson. Marianne has written 14 books, all centered around the same concept. Everything you do in life should come from a place of love.
While sitting in this beautiful theater with like-minded people, I felt a buzz of energy shoot through me. I didn’t know the person to my left, but I was picking up on her energy, and my entire being told me I was supposed to meet her. After the inspiring talk from Marianne, everyone rose up for their seats to leave. I turned to my left and said, “You have the most infectious laugh.” Because she did. And I don’t think we tell people what we are thinking enough. So I told this total stranger that I loved her laugh. Then, we connected. Alyssa Rosenheck is from Nashville and is an Architectural Photographer. Her story is inspiring. After a cancer diagnosis, she used that renewal energy to pivot to creative entrepreneurship. We immediately connected on Instagram. I cannot wait to continue to be inspired by her journey and energy.
I’m just always very conscious and intentional about the role energy contributes to my life and how it makes me feel. I love the people I surround myself with because I am very intentional about choosing them. Their spirits and their energy makes me feel good. They lift me up.
I think it’s important to continually make choices to maintain positive energy in your life. In fact, I make conscious decisions when it comes to so many of my interactions. For example, I’m so grateful for finding such great physical therapists Dan and Paulo at Sports and Ortho. I’ve been spending a lot of time with them during my knee recovery, but I always feel good when I’m there. Everyone there is operating at that higher frequency, and that’s especially important when you’re having someone do work on your body. Their energy literally rubs off on you when they touch you! So you have to hope that your physical therapists, doctors, etc. have good energy!
Your chosen community also helps set your energy frequency higher. Earlier this year, at Halloween, we had a house full of people right before trick or treating. I invited a lot of the neighborhood kids and families, and the place was buzzing with good energy. I also absolutely love Halloween! So everything about that day makes me happy. More recently, we had a house full of neighborhood friends for Friendsgiving. And every month, I look forward to soaking in the energy of my EYT Community at tournaments. These great communities always raise my energy up instantly.
Surrounding yourself with positive people and positive environments in every area of your life is so important. Just as important is knowing when your energy isn’t aligned to a situation, place or a person. For example, if you’re interacting with someone who is always negative, that energy is actually going to affect your energy.
I was recently working with someone who didn’t make me feel good. Their interactions weren’t coming from a place of kindness, even becoming disrespectful. It got to the point that it was actually affecting my emotional wellness, as I had let it go on for too long. Finally, I reminded myself that who you surround yourself with, and interact with, is a choice. And I took responsibility for having kept them in my life, even when the interactions were ruining my mood and negatively consuming my thoughts. Because the truth is that you become what you think about just as much as what you surround yourself with. So I decided that the negative impact of all of this was not worth it anymore. I let them go.
I’ve dealt with this type of person before, but it can still rattle you each time, especially when someone goes so far as starting to act out against you to blatantly bring you down. Looking back, I sometimes found myself making excuses for them to give them more chances when I know I shouldn’t. What hurts is when how they are acting, and what they are saying, is so far from who you are and what you stand for. They are complete – and very uncomfortably – out of alignment with you.
If someone doesn’t align with your most positive energy, they shouldn’t be in your life.
The most important thing to know in these situations is that you have two choices.
Your first instinct might be to fight back. You can let it bring yourself down with this retaliatory attitude, “I’ll show them…” But ask yourself, is lowering yourself to that vibration worth it? Because that’s where the problem originated?
Instead, the second choice is to walk away from that energy. Realize that there is no need to defend yourself. You know your truth, You live your truth. So don’t allow their negative energy to bring down your vibration. Make the big decision just to let go of it, as it isn’t serving you.
The best choice is the one that defends your energy.
In my experience, I am confident in knowing that how I am actually living my life is not in alignment with them – or their actions.
The fact is that there are always going to be people or situations that attempt to ruin your mood, wreck your vibe or even tear you down. That is just a reality of life. It doesn’t matter who you are. Everyone reading this will be able to relate to an example of this, I’m sure. You just have to identify that it’s not serving you in your own life and make the decision to walk away from it.
Your energy is so important. Also, your energy doesn’t lie. Lead from a place of love and allow your light to radiate out of you like sunshine.
One of my favorite quotes ever is: “Your energy introduces you before you even speak.”
So, the next time you need to switch your vibe, just let whatever it is go, walk away and turn up the radio. Works for me.