Spring in My Step

by | Feb 23, 2024 | 0 comments

Spring is in the air. And in my step. 

Do you feel it where you are?

Spring in Chicago is amazing. The city thaws out from winter somewhat slowly and then gradually makes the transition to Spring. January and February are usually fairly gray in Chicago. During those colder winter days, we tend to revert indoors and wind down our days early. 

This year though, our winter has been much milder. In fact, it already feels like spring weather here – almost like someone turned the Spring switch on early. And I’m all for it! Because it brings this feeling of new beginnings.

Something deep in my spirit has shifted.

I’m always inspired by springtime when the weather changes and things begin to grow. This year, the shift is happening even sooner – and stronger than expected.

This year, I’m suddenly feeling a completely energetic revival of my spirit and an insurgency of new ideas. 

I can literally feel the energy that I’m getting from the sun when I go outside now. It is giving me life.

The other day, I was outside without a heavy coat. It was really sunny, the sun was really shining over the city, and there was this incredible warmth in the air. Days like this just make a person feel lighter, and happier, and more motivated. In that instant, I was truly in awe of the brightness and the warmth in the air. More of that, please!

When I got home that day, I felt energized and started writing down new goals and ideas in my planner.

It’s almost like the sun’s energy is nature’s way of letting us know it’s time to begin again. So, I’m really going with the flow, honoring this recharged energy and following up on my new ideas.

I have previously mentioned how I relate to the idea of yin and yang and the importance of balance. Well, I feel like winter is the yin, when energy is flowing a little bit slower and when creativity is sort of put on hold. There’s more resting, and less “doing.” Then, springtime is the yang, the active time that follows. It’s when energy revives and, with this renewed energy, creativity begins to flow again.

I have a lot of creative energy inside me. What I don’t have is a lot of moments to express that creative energy. So, when inspiration strikes like this, I’m going to embrace it and allow this warmth and brightness to fuel me.

It’s important to take action when inspiration strikes – to embrace this renewed spirit of Spring as soon as you feel it. 

Even though life is always somewhat busy around my house, it has been genuinely life-giving to express my creativity again, fueled by this sunshine…

How about you? Are you feeling the new energy spring is bringing this year?

Is there something you’ve started thinking about but have put off starting? Why not let the energy of spring give you the boost you need to make it happen? 

Don’t overthink it or wait for the “perfect” moment— jump into the flow of this new spring energy!

Spring is not just about the snow melting. It’s about our own personal revival too. As the heaviness of winter melts away, it recharges our energy and enthusiasm.

Personally, I’ve let this early spring recharge my wild optimism. And my belief in possibilities.

Are you with me? Do you feel a new spring in your step?

Let’s go. What should we make happen this season?


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