Dear 2023,
Everything is going so fast. When I think of the speed at which everything is moving, it really makes me feel a combination of sadness and realization – that once these moments fly by, I will never get them back again. Which brings me to the ONE WORD I want 2023 to encapsulate.
I want to just slow down.
Madden is taller than me. In 5 years he’s going to be off to college. F I V E Y E A R S. Ugh, my heart. In this next year, I am going to be fully present in whatever I am doing. No more having 10 tabs open and flipping between them all. I intend to have just one open.
I want to reduce all the tabs open at once in my life. One thing at a time. So I can completely immerse myself in what I am doing, and with whom I am sharing that moment. Focusing on one thing at a time, I can take my time and be more intentional. I can just “soak it all in.”
We live in a hustle and bustle society. A society that hypes up the hustle. Look around on social media and you’ll see how many people are bragging about how their “hustle never stops.”
Me? I’m slowing down my hustle. In 2023, I want to be more attentive. More intentional. QUALITY over QUANTITY. That’s going to be my motto.
In 2022, I took some risks. Two of which really paid off. I accepted an invitation to bowl with one of the best bowlers in the world at the biggest Mixed Doubles event in the world. We came out on top. I also took maybe the biggest risk I’ve ever taken in my life. I decided to have knee surgery. Now, my knee is literally better than 100%. Both of those risks paid off.
In 2023, I will continue to go with my gut. I will take more risks. and I intend to have impact along the way.
In 2023, I also intend to continue to grow the Elite Youth Tour. So many amazingly talented bowlers are on my tour. They trust that I will continue to give them a space to shine. If I am making predictions, I feel like I will have a few more Junior Gold champions coming home to the Elite Youth Tour. Not to mention Junior Team USA bowlers. I cannot wait to cheer them on along the way.
2023 will bring a new look to the Elite Youth Tour. We rebranded the logo. New feel, same amazing community. We also announced a new scholarship opportunity. The Elite Youth Tour believes in strong youth leaders. We are awarding two high school seniors a $500 Leave Your Mark scholarship. These bowlers will exemplify what it means to be driven and have impact.
I also look forward to getting on the lanes personally, with some of the best PWBA bowlers in the world this Spring. I will continue to evolve my bowling game by putting time into the mental game (I’ve been working diligently on a very cool Mental Game tool for you!) and also getting my body as strong as I possibly can with the help of a personal trainer, and many trips to the gym.
I can’t wait for you, 2023. My heart and mind are open to what is next.
To slowing down this year to soak it all in,
PS. What’s YOUR word for 2023?
Well, Diandra.
One tab I’ll never close:
Beyond the Lanes.
PS: Bowl good
Yes, keep this tab open! 🙂 Thank you! Happy New Year!