Last week was the last EYT of the year, the Holiday Bowlapalooza, which includes the holiday doubles and the EYT Team Cup. The turnout was great, and my team crushed it as usual.
Noteworthy was that a couple of bowlers who flew in from Florida swept the weekend in one of the divisions. We had a great mix of bowlers from afar, local bowlers, national champions, and brand new EYT bowlers.
Bowlapalooza is also our way of wrapping up the EYT year. And that gives me time to reflect back on the year. I love looking back to see how far we’ve come and all that we have accomplished…and there’s just so much to be proud of. I am so full of gratitude.
The past year we have crowned so many champions and given away close to $50,000 in scholarships. That alone makes me feel so much gratitude. In January of 2023 I decided my word of the year would be an important one: IMPACT.
The parents, my staff, and our board have given so much of themselves to the EYT community. Everyone involved is making a difference.
Every month, people continue to show up and support this EYT community and beyond. We have made a real impact in the extended Chicago community with our 12 nonprofit partners and EYT’s 12 months of social change.
Now, we’re gearing up for next year, and I feel that the direction we’re going in is a really good one.
For the first time, we’ve added a new Elite Youth Council to EYT’s directorship. It includes eight youth members, and we’re really excited about what they’ll bring to EYT. After all, we understand the importance of youth voices, and empowering youth is what EYT is all about. The intention is that this council will have its own initiatives and fundraising in order to allow it to have a direct influence on EYT. The council’s voice will also complement that of our board in giving EYT direction over the course of the year.
We also just launched Elite Impact last month. Our website states, “Our latest program, Elite Impact, is designed to ignite excellence, foster inclusivity, and inspire lasting change. Elite Impact consists of three core segments that embody our commitment to making a meaningful difference in the lives of young individuals and our society at large.”
I’m proud that Elite Impact is designed to be more than just a program. It’s a movement that embodies the values that are at the core of EYT, and it is another way to empower a new generation of talented bowlers to excel both on and off the lanes. By breaking down barriers and fostering an inclusive environment, we’re opening more doors of opportunities for youth to fulfill their potential. Anyone who is interested can find more information on our website and apply for its programs.
For the first time, we’re also going to take EYT beyond the Midwest. In April, we will bring the EYT to Rochester, New York. We view that as an exciting opportunity for more youth to become exposed to EYT and for the tour to reach a different demographic in the Northeast. This is just the beginning of taking EYT on the road, and we hope to do this again in other places. In Rochester, the bowling center where the Women’s US Open took place this past summer is sponsoring the EYT to come there for a weekend.
In general, next year, we’re also going to put more effort and energy towards fundraising and grants. For the last couple of years, we’ve been focused on making sure EYT is running smoothly. We haven’t placed as much direct energy and emphasis on fundraisers or grants. So, starting in 2024, we are planning to integrate some bigger fundraising goals and initiatives.
Yet, there’s always so much more we want to do at EYT and so much more impact I personally want to pay forward.
Looking back on the last year reminded me that a community that lifts everyone in it up is what I want to keep building. The sort of community that inspires every individual to be more and do more.
If you are a part of the EYT community, I’d love to hear which of these initiatives resonates most with you. Want to be more involved? Just reach out to me!